Sexually transmitted diseases (venereal diseases) | AIDS | Mode Of Transmission and Treatment

 Sexually transmitted diseases
Venereal diseases

AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases

The name of an aerial comes from Venus goddess of love. Venereal diseases are transmitted through sexual intercourse with the expectation of congenital syphilis which is transmitted from the syphilitic mother to the Infant. This group of diseases is no renamed sexually transmitted diseases.










Human immunodeficency virus disease(HIV)
Acute immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)


HIV AIDS is an infectious disease caused by a transmissible infectious agent named as human immunodeficiency virus 1 and 2.

These are classed as retro- viruses.

Mode of transmission

Transmission is predominantly bi sexual contact by sharing of therapeutic blood blood products or used for illicit drugs and from an infected mother to Unborn baby.


Studies indicates that its virus has been found in hi contractions only in blood or semen. Other body fluid like liver and tears also show the presence of virus but proof of The Breed of infection through these Fluids is lacking.


Incubation period generally in 29 months in adults and 12 month in children. The virus can however lie dormant in an individual for as long as five years before producing symptoms of AIDS aur aids-related complex a milder form of AIDS in which opportunistic infection do not become life threatening.

Not everyone found to be infected with the virus goes on to develop systems.

Study shows that within a period of 225 years of observation to to 15% of the infected develop AIDS. 23 to 26 person ARC and 60 to 70% symptom free, thought it is believed that symptom free individuals can remain Carriers of virus in definitely.

At risk groups

The main at risk groups to infection of AIDS are:

1. Male homosexuales who have multiple sexual partners,

2. Intravenous drug users,

3.Recipients of blood transfusion and blood products.

Geographical distribution

Asian might have Aids with as many as 15 Million infected with h i v AIDS.

Officials have estimated that as many as 50 million South Asian will be affected by HIV and that there will he more is patient then Hospital beds.

The Government Medical Systems cannot possibly cope with the pandemic.

In the South Asia region 50% of the p********** and 10% of the approximately 8 million truck drivers are HIV infected. Truckers are especially important because experts believe that they are vital link between the general population and the high risk groups. By 2005 the number of HIV cases this reason is expected to exceed the number of cores is in all the Africa. The incubation period for many people ends. It has been estimated that about 10 million Asian the majority of them South Asia will die of AIDS before 2015.

Infection continuous to spread mostly hetrosexual intercourse. AIDS is transmitted mostly through h********* contacts and intravenous drug use and spread by the strain h i v. But in Africa and Asia others trains are at More prevalent.

Aids in children

Transplant and transmission of AIDS virus from the mother to the Infant has been reported. Babies from with aids are recognised by a small head. Some infants do not show any symptoms but most of them show up within 6 month. Translation of the virus through breast milk may also occur. Not less than 350 children appear to have been recorded by a communicable disease centres in USA but the actual number may be much more.


It is estimated that 70000 to 80000 persons or 0.1 % of the adult population in Pakistan are infected with the HIV virus. Although the prevalence of HIV infection is still law the country is is vulnerable due to a number of significant risk factor that make the disease and important threat to the health of Pakistani. HIV infection has been reported in all the four provinces of Pakistan. Elderly administered tribal areas at Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

By the end of 2000 549 at IV cases and 202 8th cases have been reported to the national AIDS control programme although this is almost certainly and under estimate of the true prevalence. 

Hetro sexual transmission account for about 40% of reported cases and exposure to infected blood or blood products for about 19 %. The mode of Transmission for the remaining 35% cases is not known. 

Today Tomato rate of infected cases are among chest male with a female ratio of 7/1 which is to be expected in the early stage of HIV epidemic.

Most cases are in the age group 20 to 40 years old and an increasing number of HIV cases have been found among high risk group .

As in many other countries there are reports the people living with HIV AIDS in Pakistan not only suffered the physical angles of the disease but also experience isolation discrimination and abuse.


There are serious risk factors that put Pakistan in danger of experiencing a wise epidemic if immediate and vigorous action is not taken. 

1. Injecting drug users

The number of drug dependence in Pakistan is currently estimated to be 3 million persons out of home an estimated 60,000 to 100000 inject drugs. A few studies Limited in scope suggest a possible increasing trend in injecting drug use.

2. Commercial Sex

Widespread in major urban cities on truck roads and near labour camps. Commercial sex workers and their clients have insufficient cases to inform about HIV and the STDS. A19 99 study of sex workers in Karachi found that only 44% believes as HIV was sexually transmitted. Furthermore 10 sex workers of 10 lakh the power to negotiate safe sex treatment of STDs.

3. Partial blood transfusion screening and professional donors

It is transmitted that 40% of about date million annual blood transfusions are not screened for HIV AIDS. Where is screening in the public sector has made progress private blood banks remain mixed. In 1919 the 8 surveillance centre in Karachi conducted a study of professional blood Donor and found at 20% were infected with Hepatitis C 10% with hepatitis B and 1% h i v.

4.Sexually transmitted diseases and low condom use

STDs facilitate the spread of HIV infection and serve as an indicator for candom use and other high-risk sexual behaviour.

5.Migration and Refugees

Large number of workers leave their will cease to seek work in large cities are on industrial sites. A significant number of Pakistan is are employed Overseas are served in the international armed forces. Away from their homes for extended periods of time they become vulnerable to HIV infections and or at higher risk for having unprotected sex and abusing drugs. Those infected bring STD is at HIV back to their spouses partners and contacts.

6.Low literacy level and education

The specially Amongst women are major constraints to HIV prevention. Efforts to increase awareness about HIV among the general population are compared by Low literacy levels and cultural influences. Younger people are especially vulnerable.

Clinical diagnosis

The virus and transmitted attacks immune system of the body.

In particular the t lymphocyte which is the key element in the body's defence mechanism.

When these cells are destroyed the AIDS victims are unable to bring infections under the control. This makes them susceptible two infectious agents are rarely pathogenic in normal hosts.

These are known as opportunistic infections. Clinical diagnosis of fully expressed AIDS involves the diagnosis of such opportunistic infections on and the demonstration of cellular immune deficiency for which no cause can be identified. 

Prevention and control

The Government of Pakistan through a broad consultative process web a national HIV and AIDS strategic.

Framework that set out the strategy and priorities for effective control epidemic.

This Framework clearly audio bullet the governments nine priority areas as well as potential barrier. 

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