Rarely causes of obesity | How to the measure obesity | What is the obesity Treatment


 Rarely causes of obesity, How to the measure obesity? What is the obesity Treatment?


Obesity may be defined as a product growth of the adipose tissue due to enlargement of the fat cell size are an increase in the fat cell numer are a combination of both.

Battery is often expressed in terms of body maths index(BMI).

A BMI of 30 or mire in mske &28.6 or more in female  indicates obesity. Overweight and obesity have emerged as nutritional emergency necessitating period intervention in 1997 the whr expert consultation on obesity , forwarned the Global community that inability to adopt appropriate and timely strategies to stem the pandemic would result in exposure of million of people in both developed and developing world to various communicable diseases and other health related problems. 

Obesity In Pakistan 

Due to scarcity of published studies on a obesity in Pakistan that you picture of the impact on economic and head been be reflected.

The only available source of information is the National Health survey 1990 to 1994 which revealed

● obesity BMI>30 and overweight  BMI>25 are common among females than males for age and urban and rural subgroups.

● the highest level is among women 45 264 was a age living in urban areas 40% are form are obese or overweight

●The group is least affected in young 15 to 24 years from golden nails a phone only 3% are obese or overweight.

● level of obesity or overweight tend to increase with age peaking in the 45 to 64 years of age groups then decline among the elderly (65+)

● In all age-sex group high level of observed for urban compare to rural population

Causes Of Obesity 

The anti allergy is complex and multifactorial. genetic environmental and physiological factors play their respective roles. whereas the most instances of a bestie after seated to B Polytechnic recent research has focused on possible abnormal it is in the laptin system.

The environmental factors for mass obasity include great availability of Food ( freezers fast food culture) , changing dietary composition ( moffat more refined Sugars more alcohol) changing eating style (more snacks than regular food excessive soft drinks chocolates )which encourage over eating in relation to physiological needs.

Nevertheless the major and alarming cause appears to be significant increase in sedentariness. The amount of physical in activity has drastically increase due to energy saving device.

How to measure Obesity?

Obesity can be measured by various methods including body mass waist circumference and x-ray absorptionmetry.

Quiet recently BMI has become the medical standard used to measure or overweight and obesity that W H O department of nutrition for health and development has developed the following cut off points

● Overweight >25kg/m2

●Pre - Obese 25-29.99 kg/m2

● Obesity 30 kg /m2

Has been consistent debate per need of 12th in different value of different ethnic groups in particular Asian of population. 

Treatment of Obesity 

Allthough many fancy pharmacutical preparations have been marked numerous slimming centres have emerged with place of Fantastic results, the treatment of a bestie ultimately involves eating less and being physically more active.

Drastic reduction in weight although much located in media may have detrimental effects on health.

Mild to moderate but sustainable design in where should be the ideal  attainable goal. The wait loose of 5 to 10% maintainable long-term is associated with significant benefit on the basis of data from Scottish intercollegiate guidelines network.

Potential benefit of 10 kg of weight loss can be enumerated a following

A. Morbidity 

1) Diabetes Mellitus

50% reduction in FBS

2) Hypertension 

10mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure 

20mmHg reduction in diastolic blood pressure 

3) Lipid Profile 

10% reduction in total cholesterol 

15% reduction n LDL

30% reduction in triglycerides 

8% increase in HDL

3) Respiratory 

Significant reduction in sleep apnoea

Significant decrease in breathlessness 

4) Gnaecological

Improved ovarian function and fertility in PCOS

B. Mortality 

30% reduction in diabetic related deaths

40% reduction in obesity related cancer 

20% reduction in total mortality.


Bestie is a rapidly emerging public health problem.

It is a matter of major and growing concern in both developing and developed countries because his Association with increased likelihood of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases certain cancers and a range of other disorders including psychiatric problems. 

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